Feel Fit – Protein balls with almonds Royal Coconut

1.500 د.ك

Protein balls with almonds are crunchy wafers sprinkled with coconut flakes and filled with PROTEIN creamy filling with coconut flavour and an almond inside. Now you can grab your favourite sweets without any regrets. Feel FIT coconut balls are a good source of protein and fiber and have no added sugar. They don’t contain any solid nor trans fats. An additional portion of protein makes you feel full for longer and you don’t crave for sweets. Crunchy coconut treats tempt you with their delicious taste.

كرات بسكويت ويفر البروتين المحشوة باللوز وبكريمة جوز الهند والخالية من السكر المضاف ومناسبة ايضا لمتبعي نطام الكيتو دايت

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٤٨ سعره حرارية

١.٥ جرام بروتين

٢.٢ جرام صافي الكارب

اقل من ربع جرام سكر

نص جرام ألياف

٣.٧ جرام دهون

العلبة تحتوي على ٧ حبات

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