Diablo Cream Filled Milk Chocolate Wafer By Box(24pcs per Box)

12.000 د.ك


  • No Added Sugar
  • Suitable for those on a sugar-controlled diet.
  • Perfect as a treat, or for a quick afternoon boost.

Diablo Wafers contain no added sugar and are perfect for those on a sugar controlled diet or for those just wanting to cut out some of the sugars from their food.

Whether you feel like sharing or you want them all to yourself, these two variations of cream filled chocolate wafers will give you the ultimate craving satisfaction.

بسكوت الويفر اللذيذ المغطى بكاكاو الحليب ( نفس طعم كاكاو تايم آوت ) والذي يعتبر اختيار مناسب وصحي لمتبعي الحمية ولمرضى السكر وخالية من السكر

ملاحظة : العلبة الواحدة تحتوي على 24 حبة


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